
Here's what you *MUST* know to
get 42.8% more Amazon REVENU
using Email Campaigns
- FAST...

*without* spending YEARS to learn it, THOUSANDS for expensive courses, or losing control to an outsourcer.

Let's talk about the fruit of your labor: Amazon PROFIT

  • You NEED to capture the low-hanging fruit: All the easy wins inevitably give you a huge boost to profit margin.
  • It's EASY to capture Amazon customers' emails!: When you have the right systems in place, it's automatic. And that's exactly what makes email marketing the "low-hanging fruit".
  • When you have their emails, the email marketing is EASY: All you need are the right sequences in place, and it happens automatically.
  • If you're not selling through email, you are leaving money on the table: When you capture these easy wins, you make more money now and you future-proof your business.
  • Your business struggles because you are ignoring this low-hanging, easy-to-capture profit: Stop ignoring i and START HARVESTING IT! When you add this source of easy profit, you remove the strain on your business that causes the struggle.
  • Email is the EASIEST OF ALL THE LOW-HANGING FRUIT!: Get this taken care of. We can help you! When you do, your bank account, your business, your family, your future, and your FREEDOM will thank you.
  • Mail.Click.Profit. Hands You Everything You Need!: All the templates and training to get your email marketing nailed down TODAY. If you wait, it ONLY means that you lose more money! Sign up now!!

If you want to boost your profit margins SUBSTANTIALLY - by 30-50%! - in an easy-to-implement way...watch this short video!

Watch the 6min video above 👆 to hear exactly how Mail.Click.Profit. will start creating an ROI for you TODAY.

Or...Want the full training on the "Amazon vs. Email" Problem?
Watch here (38min):👇

(Prefer to read? Scroll down!)

We make it SIMPLE to grab the low-hanging fruit!:

It's just... Mail.Click.DONE.

What could you do with...

An extra 30-40% in Revenue overnight for FBA Sellers?!?

What would an extra 30-40% in revenue, without any additional ad spend and virtually zero extra cost, do for your business and your bottom line?

What you are about to read, I wrote because I SEE how much you struggle towards creating a profitable, reliable business. I know that you are because online businesses bleeding from the ears is epidemic. We have made it our mission to figure this out and help you succeed in building a powerhouse business that generates predictable, stable PROFITS to free you up to live more life. Few things are as rewarding as seeing others prosper because of something you gave them. So, with that in mind...

Let's talk shop!

Everyone loves screenshots of results, right? It’s fun to see what people are achieving, and it helps build belief that it IS possible - we all need as much of that as possible!

Here’s one that gets a TON of "wow"s...

And for more results screenshots, check these out! 👇

The screenshot above shows results over the course of just 31 months. For just one brand.

Yes, the $100M+ catches your eye. BUT… Here’s what I want to point out that is DIRECTLY important to you right here, right now…

It’s revealing a kind of “loophole- hidden right in plain sight and that EVERYONE already knows about!

...but everyone just ignores it because they think it's "too hard". And so in the world of Amazon sellers, virtually NO ONE is taking advantage of it.

I realized if people would just "exploit" this loophole, they could produce virtually FREE profit - and in so doing, solve MOST of the problems in their businesses. (Very few problems can't be fixed with more sales/profit).

Of that $101+M, almost $30M of that revenue was directly generated from email!

To put it another way, without email marketing, revenue would have been ~$70M. Flipping on the "email switch" would THEN have created that EXTRA $30M in revenue - and that would equate to a 42.8% INCREASE in revenue OVER baseline. All from something you can install ONCE, then use at-will and let run FOREVER.

If you are NOT engaging in full-scale email marketing, then right now your revenue is at ONLY at baseline.

And what THAT means for YOU is that adding email marketing (done right) would BOOST your revenues by somewhere in the neighborhood of 30-40% - almost IMMEDIATELY.

You could, right now, add that revenue to your business virtually overnight - but ONLY if you have the right systems, templates and tools to make it SIMPLE to implement, and FAST to deploy, and CERTAIN to be successful.

You've got to do it RIGHT for it to work. Kind of like building a house - you can't just throw a bunch of wood, nails, and drywall in a big pile and expect to live in it, right?

Let me also state this plainly: You DON’T have to have a 9-figure business to make this work right away! Even if you're only doing $5000 a month in revenue, you could add roughly $2000 MORE to your business quickly!

If your ecom business is small right now, would $2000 more revenue, without ad-spend or other expenses, make a difference for you right now?

THEN... imagine how much easier it's going to be to grow to 7-, 8- or even 9-figures.

No matter where you are in your business growth, you could - and absolutely SHOULD - be getting 20-30-40%+ of your total sales from email marketing.

So…. are you?

No? Why not? What’s holding you back and keeping you from just hammering out the emails right now??

Ohhh, riiighhhht!.... there's all those small details standing in the way - all the time, money, energy, knowledge, systems, copywriting skill that you don't have... "The devil is in the details" as they say!

Look, I totally get it… You're already overwhelmed with running everything else in your business. I COMPLETELY understand why you don’t just drop everything to attack this.

You just simply never have the extra time to set it up, right?

But even if you DID have the time, you still wouldn’t know what to write, yes?

Or how to segment…
or what sequences to send...
or when to send them…
or how to keep the lists engaged…
or even how to get cusotmers' email addresses in the first place… yes?

You see - one of my BIGGEST revelations as I’ve pursued mastering copywriting is this very hard truth: email marketing / copywriting / planning is really hard and is a MASSIVELY specialized skill.

It’s not something you just learn “on the side.”

It's not so simple as just sitting down to write a few good emails.

It's about knowing what emails to send, when to send them, what segments of your list to send them to, AND orchestrating the WHOLE thing across THE ENTIRE YEAR with seasonal, planned-out sequences.

I’ve spent YEARS learning it. And that’s with me beginning the process with something of a gift for writing in the first place! (not to pat myself on the back, but just being honest).

So… back to your business and the point of all this: YOU ARE SUPER BUSY.

While you’ve been running your business, you HAVEN’T been spending the time that’s absolutely, critically necessary to get your email marketing going - let alone to truly MASTER it, right?

And that’s not even starting to get into the BIGGER picture here of all of the things that are keeping you out of this incredibly lucrative market.

What ELSE is standing in your way...? Tons.

First, as an Amazon seller, I know you are painfully aware of how Amazon treats their FBA sellers...

Amazon doesn’t WANT you to know that you CAN engage in email marketing.

  • They want to FOREVER control the marketplace and the customer.
  • ​They are highly-motivated and incredibly crafty at keeping you THINKING that you are building your own business
  • ​but in reality you’re nothing more than just a contractor supplying products for their marketplace
  • ​all the while YOU are absorbing all the risk​.
  • And they keep you SCARED with false arguments about what they can and cannot enforce in their TOS.

Yes... Amazon tries to SCARE you into bowing and scraping at their feet. They tell regular sellers like you and me that it’s “against TOS” to email customers and that you’ll be banned for it.

But, guess what? Here is the TRUTH:

As long as you aren’t dipping into anything blackhat - they can’t touch you!


If they did, they’d be opening themselves up to one of the biggest class action lawsuits in all of Western history.


FIRST: Because they let all the “big” brands do it.

Can you imagine Amazon trying to ban Coca-Cola because a customer follows a link on their packaging and opts-in to their email list? Samsung? Papermate? General Electric?

You see, they specifically let the “big” sellers slide, and THEN try to engage in terrifying scare tactics to try to keep the smaller sellers like you and me down and out of the game.

SECOND: It’s NOT just the big brands, either.

It’s well-known that Amazon actively courts and favors Chinese sellers to try to get them to sell against us because they can often undercut us on price (Amazon LOVES low prices!). And so...

...Amazon CLEARLY turns a blind eye to the Chinese supplier-sellers blatantly violating TOS -- tactics that if you and I used, we'd get banned immediately. I'm sure you’ve seen it yourself over and over and freaking over.

THIRD: Amazon has been on thin-ice for a long time for anti-competitive practices.

If they put the hammer down on all the little sellers, the US and EU governments would be all over them with anti-trust suits.

When I write about this, I get angry! It’s SO unfair. It TRULY pisses me off!

But... business isn’t about being FAIR.

It's about building the life and business that you desire REGARDLESS of what is fair or not fair. It's THAT power as an entrepreneur that we LOVE.

It's a classic "David and Goliath" story - and you and I are living it!

All of this is why I’m so passionate about something like email marketing. Yes, it sounds like a sleeper on the surface. But when you REALLY make this work, and the money starts rolling in… THAT’S when it becomes REALLLLY exciting.

AND FOURTH: Most importantly, my BEST proof for why I am CERTAIN that Amazon can't and won't stop you from email marketing: there is *NOT ONE* super successful private-label seller on Amazon that I know of that doesn’t use email marketing.

EVERY 8- and 9- figure seller (and most 7+ figure sellers) use email marketing.

Do you think they use it BECAUSE they are super successful?

No! They are super successful because they use REAL, PROVEN business tactics - with email marketing at the core.

They don’t sit on their hands just HOPING that Amazon is going to throw them some traffic scraps so they can make a few sales.

Big, successful sellers? **They MAKE it happen.**

So, if you are still with me to this point, then the next logical question is just simply:

Is NOW the right time for YOU to add email to your business systems?

To that I would say: MAYBE.

Maybe leaning towards "no": If you are you satisfied with your revenue and growth exactly where you are... Or, if you are you too scared try because of Amazon’s scare tactics... then it's not right for you.

The flip side?

The answer is YES if you are making at least a few hundred dollars in sales a month and growing - because you will ADD 20-40%+ to that revenue. If you are selling even just $1000 a month, then you could bring in and extra $200-$400...

The answer is YES if you are really serious about growing a REAL business and not remaining a lackey serving Amazon. Taking control of your business means you MUST take control of the CUSTOMER so that you can better serve them - and better sell to them.

The answer is a RESOUNDING YES if you intend to ever exit the brand and sell for a high multiple. Brand buyers HEAVILY want to see that you have control of your customer list - and this can turn a 3x multiple into a 5x multiple. Or a 5x multiple into a 7x multiple…!

PLEASE hear me when I say this...:

Every. Single. Day. that you wait, you are LOSING customers from your email list.

You are losing more sales.

It’s harder to launch new products.

You have lower revenue- and therefore substantially lower profits.

The longer you wait, the poorer your bank accounts become.

Either you get this aspect of your business handled, or you will FOREVER remain a struggling slave to Amazon and only ever be pretending to be a business owner.

My business partner, Brent Baubach, and I have accumulated more than SIX DECADES of total entrepreneurial experience with countless thousands of hours studying copy and writing copy.

Thousands and thousands of iterations of:
➡Writing emails.
➡Testing emails.
➡Failing emails.
➡Finding emails that WORK.
➡Building on those emails.
➡Optimizing and refining those emails.

And eventually creating email templates that we use to quickly stack results with every product we sell.

We have WELL into the 9-figures in total sales behind us, with WELL into 8-figures of sales that are directly generated by our repeatable, systemized, and templated systems.

So, how does it all work together?

It’s pretty simple really. There are 4 hurdles to overcome.

HURDLE #1: Getting Amazon customers to SAY YES to opting in to YOUR email list.

First, we have a highly optimized strategy for getting our Amazon customers to actively WANT to go to our website and opt in to our lists:

1. Yes, it ALL starts with a simple insert with the product!

2. BUT!!!...This is FAR MORE than “just an insert”. We have a highly refined system that triggers all of the human "Influence" psychological factors that get people to take action and WANT to do what you ask!

IF you mess this part up, NOTHING ELSE WILL WORK- because no one will opt in.

With the right tactics, it's EASY! And you get really high conversion rates with your buyers!

Once they've opted in, then the MAGIC begins...! We use 2 main categories of email sequences:
➡ Evergreen Drip campaigns, and
➡ Seasonal/date-anchored Blast campaigns.

HURDLE #2: What to say on Evergreen

Evergreen DRIP sequences begin the day any new customer opt-ins to our list. This begins the process of turning a customer into a brand fan, and brand fans into raving super fans.

These emails share what’s important to your company - what your brand values, the causes you support, the vision you have.


People want to care, and they want to know that the brands they support care as well.

This is how you show them! And THIS is hurdle #2.

HURDLE #3: How to sell more to these customers -- at-will, all year long

How to effectively, powerfully, and PROFITABLY engage in email BLAST campaigns, systematically, on a year-long, routine schedule.

BLAST campaigns promote products and directly offer the customers the chance to buy EVEN MORE of what they love. Again, when crafted correctly, CUSTOMERS LOVE THIS STUFF.

➡ They will buy more from you, and
➡ They will love you all the more for it!

That then brings us to Hurdle #4:

To do email marketing, do YOU, personally, have to know exactly HOW to craft all of this? Just exactly WHAT is the best way to get it DONE?

Here are your choices:

Non-Option: Do nothing. This is the MOST EXPENSIVE OPTION at 20-40% of your revenue EVERY month. Enough said.

Option One: Do it all yourself. If you do this all on your own, then the answer is a simple YES, you do. There's no way around it. You will have to spend the years necessary to figure it all out and gain the skills. There's no way around it. It's painful, time-consuming, awkward, and frustrating. ALMOST ALWAYS... we've seen that THIS OPTION MEANS NOT DOING IT AT ALL. :(

Some try to hire a new VA -- $200/mo at least and you still have to train them, + 6-12 months to get them up to speed. Or an experienced VA - $1000-$1500+/mo, + 2-4 months for them to create everything. For that expense you might as go with option #2...

A second option: Work with an full-blown agency. A while back I chatted with Neil Patel's group about handling some of this for one of my businesses that I just didn't have the time or templates for. Just the most basic of DFY email service started at $1500/mo. - and went WAY up from there.

Or a third option for your Amazon business: Get Mail.Click.Profit. Work with someone who knows EXACTLY how to optimize it ALL and can hand you the keys to a turn-key system - You can work with us and deploy Mail.Click.Profit.'s proven templates and systems - but SKIP the painful, awkward, in-between part! And you can do it faster and for a fraction of the cost of a full-blown agency like Neil Patel's group.

With our templates, it’s all kind of like an engine in a car. You don’t have to know HOW an engine works in order to (1) turn the key, (2) put it in gear, and (3) slam the gas pedal to the floor like you're a NASCAR driver with a black-coffee-I.V.-mainline straight into your arm.

When you get this right - you’ve got a Ferrari. When you get this wrong, you end up broken down on the side of the road!

How do I know? Because BOTH Brent and I have BOTH been “broken down by the side of the road”. We had to fight tooth and nail to get this stuff figured out. We made a lot of costly mistakes. Selling on Amazon and in ecom is HARD. But we both knew that to be successful with it, we HAD to get this figured out.

And in the end…

...what Brent and I have spent YEARS creating… is a Ferrari for ecommerce with an email marketing engine.

It’s exactly that engine that we want to give you the chance to install into your own business.

We call our whole system “Mail.Click.Profit.” because it’s incredibly fast and easy to implement - with BIG rewards.
- You send the Mail.
- They Click.
- You Profit.

It’s stupid-simple how easy it is and how well it works.

At this point...

You're probably wondering what all is included with Mail.Click.Profit....

Here's what you get:

➡Insert.Capture.Profit.: Virtually ALL Amazon sellers struggle to know EXACTLY how to capture emails, and to do it entirely within Amazon TOS. This will teach you exactly that and make sure you are maximizing EVERY sale from EVERY customer on Amazon.

➡Drip.Click.Profit.: With these templates, you can quickly add your brand and product info, and then literally have the first evergreen sequences installed and working in LESS than 24 hours for your first Drip campaigns.

And with THESE templates, you could ALSO be sending out your first sales-focused, revenue-generating, rank-boosting promotional campaign - all in LESS than 24 hours. That means you could have actual sales and a real ROI to show for it almost immediately.

➡Learn.Click.Launch.: To make all the backend systems super simple, we created these simple training tutorials to show you how to easily use it all. These are fast, to-the-point videos and instructions for setting everything up to work seamlessly.

You get all of this, and you get it for just $247 a month.

Compare that to:

  • ​​Do it all yourself: MONTHS to learn it plus likely spending thousands to take courses.
  • ​​Have a NEW VA do it: $200/mo and 6-12 months to get them trained - and definitely no guarantee of results
  • ​​Experienced VA: $1000 - $1500/mo + 2-4 months with no guarantee of results
  • Hire an Agency: $1000/mo to $???/mo with no control and costs that SCALE - skyrocketing up with your complexity and revenue.

So $247... like I said, it's just stupid-cheap compared to any other option.

BUT....!!! We like to over-deliver and give you even more... (and, I admit, we really like making it painful for you to say no). So we are ALSO going to give you:


➡Landing.Page.Profit.: Virtually ALL Amazon sellers struggle to know EXACTLY how to set up landing pages that have high-conversion rates for capturing emails - and to do it completely within Amazon TOS! These shared templates are one-click installs that allow you to do exactly that.
($97/mo value)

➡Content.Calendar.Profit.: Impossible to screw up, we provide for you the EXACT days to send each and every email. You don't have to guess at the schedule!
($97/mo value)

➡Shopify.Click.Profit.: Want to expand your "Profit Footprint" waaaay beyond Amazon?! Whether you have Shopify now or for when you DO, get all of your email marketing templates specific to Shopify - be prepped to GO BIG!
($247/mo value)

Still not sure? Let me make it even more brain-dead simple... How does 100% money back guarantee sound??


Our Guarantee To You :

If you join us and try Mail.Click.Profit. and you aren't happy for any reason within the first 30 days, WE WILL GIVE YOU 100% OF YOUR MONEY BACK. Just say the word, no explanation needed, and we will send you your entire investment back to you.

We take all the risk.

You take none.

So, what do you have to lose?

Maybe Mail.Click.Profit. isn't right for you and your business. Really, we ONLY want to work with people that are going to really benefit from what we are offering. If that's not you, then that's okay. We still love you ;)

But, if this IS right for your business, then really, what do you have to lose...? Well, simply, there's a lot at stake here:

If you WAIT, then you are guaranteed to lose more and more money, more and more time, have a harder time keeping products ranked and definitely a harder time launching new products, a harder time competing with everyone else who IS using email marketing (not to mention the blackhat competitors out there and THEIR tactics), and ultimately, have a much, much harder time succeeding at the levels YOU WANT.

And it's THAT level of success that we truly want for you.

Make no mistake: EVERYTHING REALLY IS RIDING ON IT! Click the link below and sign up now.

Drew Perdichizzi
CVO & Co-Founder

Brent Baubach
CEO & Co-Founder

⭐ Space is limited for our next onboarding, so don't wait.

00Hours: 44Minutes: 00Seconds

*Please take note - You know the drill: We can't and don't guarantee any results. We aren't psychic and can't tell the future. The results we show are freaking incredible for sure and we aren't trying to tell you that you be doing $101M+ in revenue any time soon - or ever for that matter. But what we can tell you without doubt or hesitation, is that if you keep doing what you've been doing, then you WILL as a matter of absolute LAW get exactly what you've been getting. Do you REALLY want that??

What could you do with...

An extra 30-40% in Revenue overnight for FBA Sellers?!?

What would an extra 30-40% in revenue, without any additional ad spend and virtually zero extra cost, do for your business and your bottom line?

What you are about to read, I wrote because I SEE how much you struggle towards creating a profitable, reliable business. I know that you are because online businesses bleeding from the ears is epidemic. We have made it our mission to figure this out and help you succeed in building a powerhouse business that generates predictable, stable PROFITS to free you up to live more life. Few things are as rewarding as seeing others prosper because of something you gave them. So, with that in mind...

Let's talk shop!

Everyone loves screenshots of results, right? It’s fun to see what people are achieving, and it helps build belief that it IS possible - we all need as much of that as possible!

Here’s one that gets a TON of "wow"s...

And for more results screenshots, check these out! 👇

The screenshot above shows results over the course of just 31 months. For just one brand.

Yes, the $100M+ catches your eye. BUT… Here’s what I want to point out that is DIRECTLY important to you right here, right now…

It’s revealing a kind of “loophole- hidden right in plain sight and that EVERYONE already knows about!

...but everyone just ignores it because they think it's "too hard". And so in the world of Amazon sellers, virtually NO ONE is taking advantage of it.

I realized if people would just "exploit" this loophole, they could produce virtually FREE profit - and in so doing, solve MOST of the problems in their businesses. (Very few problems can't be fixed with more sales/profit).

Of that $101+M, almost $30M of that revenue was directly generated from email!

To put it another way, without email marketing, revenue would have been ~$70M. Flipping on the "email switch" would THEN have created that EXTRA $30M in revenue - and that would equate to a 42.8% INCREASE in revenue OVER baseline. All from something you can install ONCE, then use at-will and let run FOREVER.

If you are NOT engaging in full-scale email marketing, then right now your revenue is at ONLY at baseline.

And what THAT means for YOU is that adding email marketing (done right) would BOOST your revenues by somewhere in the neighborhood of 30-40% - almost IMMEDIATELY.

You could, right now, add that revenue to your business virtually overnight - but ONLY if you have the right systems, templates and tools to make it SIMPLE to implement, and FAST to deploy, and CERTAIN to be successful.

You've got to do it RIGHT for it to work. Kind of like building a house - you can't just throw a bunch of wood, nails, and drywall in a big pile and expect to live in it, right?

Let me also state this plainly: You DON’T have to have a 9-figure business to make this work right away! Even if you're only doing $5000 a month in revenue, you could add roughly $2000 MORE to your business quickly!

If your ecom business is small right now, would $2000 more revenue, without ad-spend or other expenses, make a difference for you right now?

THEN... imagine how much easier it's going to be to grow to 7-, 8- or even 9-figures.

No matter where you are in your business growth, you could - and absolutely SHOULD - be getting 20-30-40%+ of your total sales from email marketing.

So…. are you?

No? Why not? What’s holding you back and keeping you from just hammering out the emails right now??

Ohhh, riiighhhht!.... there's all those small details standing in the way - all the time, money, energy, knowledge, systems, copywriting skill that you don't have... "The devil is in the details" as they say!

Look, I totally get it… You're already overwhelmed with running everything else in your business. I COMPLETELY understand why you don’t just drop everything to attack this.

You just simply never have the extra time to set it up, right?

But even if you DID have the time, you still wouldn’t know what to write, yes?

Or how to segment…
or what sequences to send...
or when to send them…
or how to keep the lists engaged…
or even how to get cusotmers' email addresses in the first place… yes?

You see - one of my BIGGEST revelations as I’ve pursued mastering copywriting is this very hard truth: email marketing / copywriting / planning is really hard and is a MASSIVELY specialized skill.

It’s not something you just learn “on the side.”

It's not so simple as just sitting down to write a few good emails.

It's about knowing what emails to send, when to send them, what segments of your list to send them to, AND orchestrating the WHOLE thing across THE ENTIRE YEAR with seasonal, planned-out sequences.

I’ve spent YEARS learning it. And that’s with me beginning the process with something of a gift for writing in the first place! (not to pat myself on the back, but just being honest).

So… back to your business and the point of all this: YOU ARE SUPER BUSY.

While you’ve been running your business, you HAVEN’T been spending the time that’s absolutely, critically necessary to get your email marketing going - let alone to truly MASTER it, right?

And that’s not even starting to get into the BIGGER picture here of all of the things that are keeping you out of this incredibly lucrative market.

What ELSE is standing in your way...? Tons.

First, as an Amazon seller, I know you are painfully aware of how Amazon treats their FBA sellers...

Amazon doesn’t WANT you to know that you CAN engage in email marketing.

  • They want to FOREVER control the marketplace and the customer.
  • ​They are highly-motivated and incredibly crafty at keeping you THINKING that you are building your own business
  • ​but in reality you’re nothing more than just a contractor supplying products for their marketplace
  • ​all the while YOU are absorbing all the risk​.
  • And they keep you SCARED with false arguments about what they can and cannot enforce in their TOS.

Yes... Amazon tries to SCARE you into bowing and scraping at their feet. They tell regular sellers like you and me that it’s “against TOS” to email customers and that you’ll be banned for it.

But, guess what? Here is the TRUTH:

As long as you aren’t dipping into anything blackhat - they can’t touch you!


If they did, they’d be opening themselves up to one of the biggest class action lawsuits in all of Western history.


FIRST: Because they let all the “big” brands do it.

Can you imagine Amazon trying to ban Coca-Cola because a customer follows a link on their packaging and opts-in to their email list? Samsung? Papermate? General Electric?

You see, they specifically let the “big” sellers slide, and THEN try to engage in terrifying scare tactics to try to keep the smaller sellers like you and me down and out of the game.

SECOND: It’s NOT just the big brands, either.

It’s well-known that Amazon actively courts and favors Chinese sellers to try to get them to sell against us because they can often undercut us on price (Amazon LOVES low prices!). And so...

...Amazon CLEARLY turns a blind eye to the Chinese supplier-sellers blatantly violating TOS -- tactics that if you and I used, we'd get banned immediately. I'm sure you’ve seen it yourself over and over and freaking over.

THIRD: Amazon has been on thin-ice for a long time for anti-competitive practices.

If they put the hammer down on all the little sellers, the US and EU governments would be all over them with anti-trust suits.

When I write about this, I get angry! It’s SO unfair. It TRULY pisses me off!

But... business isn’t about being FAIR.

It's about building the life and business that you desire REGARDLESS of what is fair or not fair. It's THAT power as an entrepreneur that we LOVE.

It's a classic "David and Goliath" story - and you and I are living it!

All of this is why I’m so passionate about something like email marketing. Yes, it sounds like a sleeper on the surface. But when you REALLY make this work, and the money starts rolling in… THAT’S when it becomes REALLLLY exciting.

AND FOURTH: Most importantly, my BEST proof for why I am CERTAIN that Amazon can't and won't stop you from email marketing: there is *NOT ONE* super successful private-label seller on Amazon that I know of that doesn’t use email marketing.

EVERY 8- and 9- figure seller (and most 7+ figure sellers) use email marketing.

Do you think they use it BECAUSE they are super successful?

No! They are super successful because they use REAL, PROVEN business tactics - with email marketing at the core.

They don’t sit on their hands just HOPING that Amazon is going to throw them some traffic scraps so they can make a few sales.

Big, successful sellers? **They MAKE it happen.**

So, if you are still with me to this point, then the next logical question is just simply:

Is NOW the right time for YOU to add email to your business systems?

To that I would say: MAYBE.

Maybe leaning towards "no": If you are you satisfied with your revenue and growth exactly where you are... Or, if you are you too scared try because of Amazon’s scare tactics... then it's not right for you.

The flip side?

The answer is YES if you are making at least a few hundred dollars in sales a month and growing - because you will ADD 20-40%+ to that revenue. If you are selling even just $1000 a month, then you could bring in and extra $200-$400...

The answer is YES if you are really serious about growing a REAL business and not remaining a lackey serving Amazon. Taking control of your business means you MUST take control of the CUSTOMER so that you can better serve them - and better sell to them.

The answer is a RESOUNDING YES if you intend to ever exit the brand and sell for a high multiple. Brand buyers HEAVILY want to see that you have control of your customer list - and this can turn a 3x multiple into a 5x multiple. Or a 5x multiple into a 7x multiple…!

PLEASE hear me when I say this...:

Every. Single. Day. that you wait, you are LOSING customers from your email list.

You are losing more sales.

It’s harder to launch new products.

You have lower revenue- and therefore substantially lower profits.

The longer you wait, the poorer your bank accounts become.

Either you get this aspect of your business handled, or you will FOREVER remain a struggling slave to Amazon and only ever be pretending to be a business owner.

My business partner, Brent Baubach, and I have accumulated more than SIX DECADES of total entrepreneurial experience with countless thousands of hours studying copy and writing copy.

Thousands and thousands of iterations of:
➡Writing emails.
➡Testing emails.
➡Failing emails.
➡Finding emails that WORK.
➡Building on those emails.
➡Optimizing and refining those emails.

And eventually creating email templates that we use to quickly stack results with every product we sell.

We have WELL into the 9-figures in total sales behind us, with WELL into 8-figures of sales that are directly generated by our repeatable, systemized, and templated systems.

So, how does it all work together?

It’s pretty simple really. There are 4 hurdles to overcome.

HURDLE #1: Getting Amazon customers to SAY YES to opting in to YOUR email list.

First, we have a highly optimized strategy for getting our Amazon customers to actively WANT to go to our website and opt in to our lists:

1. Yes, it ALL starts with a simple insert with the product!

2. BUT!!!...This is FAR MORE than “just an insert”. We have a highly refined system that triggers all of the human "Influence" psychological factors that get people to take action and WANT to do what you ask!

IF you mess this part up, NOTHING ELSE WILL WORK- because no one will opt in.

With the right tactics, it's EASY! And you get really high conversion rates with your buyers!

Once they've opted in, then the MAGIC begins...! We use 2 main categories of email sequences:
➡ Evergreen Drip campaigns, and
➡ Seasonal/date-anchored Blast campaigns.

HURDLE #2: What to say on Evergreen

Evergreen DRIP sequences begin the day any new customer opt-ins to our list. This begins the process of turning a customer into a brand fan, and brand fans into raving super fans.

These emails share what’s important to your company - what your brand values, the causes you support, the vision you have.


People want to care, and they want to know that the brands they support care as well.

This is how you show them! And THIS is hurdle #2.

HURDLE #3: How to sell more to these customers -- at-will, all year long

How to effectively, powerfully, and PROFITABLY engage in email BLAST campaigns, systematically, on a year-long, routine schedule.

BLAST campaigns promote products and directly offer the customers the chance to buy EVEN MORE of what they love. Again, when crafted correctly, CUSTOMERS LOVE THIS STUFF.

➡ They will buy more from you, and...
➡ They will love you all the more for it!

And that brings us to HURDLE #4:

To do email marketing, do YOU, personally, have to know exactly HOW to craft all of this? Just exactly WHAT is the best way to get it DONE?

Here are your choices:

Non-Option: Do nothing. This is the MOST EXPENSIVE OPTION at 20-40% of your revenue EVERY month. Enough said.

Option One: Do it all yourself. If you do this all on your own, then the answer is a simple YES, you do have to know everything in order to make it work. There's no way around it. You will have to spend the years necessary to figure it all out and gain the skills. There's no way around it. It's painful, time-consuming, awkward, and frustrating. What we've seen is that, ALMOST ALWAYS... THIS OPTION MEANS NOT EVER DOING IT AT ALL. :(

Some try to hire a new VA -- $200/mo at least and you still have to train them, + 6-12 months to get them up to speed. Or an experienced VA - $1000-$1500+/mo, + 2-4 months for them to create everything. For that expense you might as well go with option #2...

A second option: Work with a full-blown agency. A while back I chatted with Neil Patel's group about handling some of this for one of my businesses that I just didn't have the time or templates for. Just the most basic of DFY email service started at $1500/mo. - and went WAY up from there. And it takes AT LEAST a month or more for them to get it up and running.

Or a third option for your Amazon business: Get Mail.Click.Profit. Work with someone who knows EXACTLY how to optimize it ALL and can hand you the keys to a turn-key system - You can work with us and deploy Mail.Click.Profit.'s proven templates and systems - but SKIP the painful, awkward, in-between part! And you can do it faster and for a fraction of the cost of a full-blown agency like Neil Patel's group.

With our templates, it’s all kind of like an engine in a car. You don’t have to know HOW an engine works in order to (1) turn the key, (2) put it in gear, and (3) slam the gas pedal to the floor like you're a NASCAR driver with a black-coffee-I.V.-mainline straight into your arm.

When you get this right - you’ve got a Ferrari. When you get this wrong, you end up broken down on the side of the road!

How do I know? Because BOTH Brent and I have BOTH been “broken down by the side of the road” in the past. We had to fight tooth and nail to get this stuff figured out. We made a lot of costly mistakes. Selling on Amazon is HARD. But we both knew that to be successful with ecom, we HAD to get this figured out.

And in the end…

...what Brent and I have spent YEARS creating… is a Ferrari for ecommerce with an email marketing engine.

It’s exactly that engine that we want to give you the chance to install into your own business.

We call our whole system “Mail.Click.Profit.” because it’s incredibly fast and easy to implement - with BIG rewards.
- You send the Mail.
- They Click.
- Everyone Profits.

It’s stupid-simple how easy it is and how well it works.

At this point...

You're probably wondering what all is included with Mail.Click.Profit....

Here's what you get:

➡Insert.Capture.Profit.: Virtually ALL Amazon sellers struggle to know EXACTLY how to capture emails, and to do it entirely within Amazon TOS. This will teach you exactly that and make sure you are maximizing EVERY sale from EVERY customer on Amazon.

➡Drip.Click.Profit.: With these templates, you can quickly add your brand and product info, and then literally have the first evergreen sequences installed and working in LESS than 24 hours for your first Drip campaigns.

And with THESE templates, you could ALSO be sending out your first sales-focused, revenue-generating, rank-boosting promotional campaign - all in LESS than 24 hours. That means you could have actual sales and a real ROI to show for it almost immediately.

➡Learn.Click.Launch.: To make all the backend systems super simple, we created these simple training tutorials to show you how to easily use it all. These are fast, to-the-point videos and instructions for setting everything up to work seamlessly.

You get all of this, and you get it for just $247 a month.

It's just plain STUPID how cheap that is!

Compare that to:

  • Do it all yourself: MONTHS to learn it plus likely spending thousands to take courses.
  • ​Have a NEW VA do it: $200/mo and 6-12 months to get them trained - and definitely no guarantee of results
  • Experienced VA: $1000-$1500/mo + 2-4 months with no guarantee of results
  • Hire an Agency: $1000/mo to $???/mo with no control and costs that SCALE - skyrocketing up with your complexity and revenue.

So $247... like I said, it's just stupid-cheap.

BUT....!!! We like to over-deliver and give you even more... (and, I admit, we really like making it painful for you to say no). So we are ALSO going to give you:


➡Landing.Page.Profit.: Virtually ALL Amazon sellers struggle to know EXACTLY how to set up landing pages that have high-conversion rates for capturing emails - and to do it completely within Amazon TOS! These shared templates are one-click installs that allow you to do exactly that.
($97/mo value)

➡Content.Calendar.Profit.: Impossible to screw up, we provide for you the EXACT days to send each and every email. You don't have to guess at the schedule!
($97/mo value)

➡Shopify.Click.Profit.: Want to expand your "Profit Footprint" waaaay beyond Amazon?! Whether you have Shopify now or for when you DO, get all of your email marketing templates specific to Shopify - be prepped to GO BIG!
($247/mo value)

And, introducing the INCREDIBLE EXCITING...:

AI-trained on our proven-templates that will be SUPER, ridiculously cool and powerful in creating highly tailored emails for YOUR brand with almost NO time or effort on your part! As an early MCP-adopter, you'll get special pricing that NO new members will have access to the software launches!
($97/mo value & coming soon!!)

🛑**Please note: This bonus GOES AWAY after we launch the software. You'll get exclusive discounted pricing when we go live, but only when you join Mail.Click.Profit. today!

Still not sure? Let me make it even more brain-dead simple... 


Our Guarantee To You :

If you try Mail.Click.Profit. and you aren't happy for any reason, then within the first 30 days, WE WILL GIVE YOU 100% OF YOUR MONEY BACK. Just say the word, no explanation needed, and we will send you your entire investment back to you. We take ALL the risk.

So, what do you have to lose?

Maybe Mail.Click.Profit. isn't right for you and your business. Really, we ONLY want to work with people that are going to really benefit from what we are offering. If that's not you, then that's okay. We still love you ;)

But, if this IS right for your business, then really, what do you have to lose...? Well, simply, there's a lot at stake here:

If you WAIT, then you are guaranteed to lose more and more money, more and more time, have a harder time keeping products ranked and definitely a harder time launching new products, a harder time competing with everyone else who IS using email marketing (not to mention the blackhat competitors out there and THEIR tactics), and ultimately, have a much, much harder time succeeding at the levels YOU WANT.

And it's THAT level of success that we truly want for you.


Click the link below and sign up now.

Drew Perdichizzi
CVO & Co-Founder

Brent Baubach
CEO & Co-Founder

00Hours: 44Minutes: 00Seconds

*Please take note - You know the drill: We can't and don't guarantee any results. We aren't psychic and can't tell the future. The results we show are freaking incredible for sure and we aren't trying to tell you that you be doing $101M+ in revenue any time soon - or ever for that matter. But what we can tell you without doubt or hesitation, is that if you keep doing what you've been doing, then you WILL as a matter of absolute LAW get exactly what you've been getting. Do you REALLY want that??


(Poor John:  John tries to PRETEND like he ENJOYS writing email after email... while his friends just LAUGH and LAUGH. Bill points at how bad it is while Jenny just silently judges.  Please... don't be John.)

OUtofmya**.com reports that 128.4% of ecom sellers Hate dealing with email marketing

With those odds, you're likely one of them.

I don't talk out of my ass often, but when I do, I never take myself too seriously... Because, hey, life isn't going to live itself! Do you really want to deep-dive to learn EVERYTHING you need to know about email marketing? There are too many other adventures to be had in life!

To make our email marketing fast and always effective, we built templates based on our highest-converting emails that we spent years perfecting.

When it comes to getting things done in my business, I never blow smoke, and I never waste time.

That's why we created Mail.Click.Profit... We want to speed up YOUR process of getting profitable emails figured out, finished and deployed, so that YOU can get both an IMMEDIATE ROIand go LIVE MORE LIFE... instead of wasting it trying to re-invent the ecom wheel while waiting MONTHS for an ROI.

(It's what I like to call "Mail.Click.Stupid-Simple.") 

Meet Our Fearless founders

{Fearlessly Creating Mad Templates & ProfitableAutomations}

With a combined history of almost 6 decades in entrepreneurial adventures, Brent and Drew have teamed up to bring you Mail.Click.Profit. Brent is a Shopify Wizard. Drew is kind of like the Tarzan of the Amazon space. So, it's kinda' like Lord of the Rings meets Escape From Madagascar, but with money involved.
Lots and LOTS of money.

They want to help YOU make lots of money, too - no conniving lions or Balrogs need be fought. Apply Below.


Gandalf of Shopify

Strategy & Ecom Scale,
Master Copywriter

CEO & Founder |  Mail.Click.Profit.
CEO | Ecom Institute

Brent Baubach


Tarzan of Amazon.com

Growth & Advanced Tactics,
Master Copywriter 

CVO & Founder | Mail.Click.Profit.
CEO | 7RISE8.com

Drew Perdichizzi


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Bringing you the FASTEST email marketing systems deployment since 1857 BC... Give or take a few.

Interested in partnering with Mail.Click.Profit. as a JV partner or as an affiliate?!? 
All I can say is... "We LOVE partners!"
Click the TARGET to see how we can help YOU hit YOURS!


© 2024 Mail.Click.Profit.  |  All rights reserved cuz we rock.  🤘

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*Important Disclaimer - Please Read: Any "Overnight" or "24 Hour" results that may occur depend specifically on you ALREADY having some kind of a list to work with and having that list be responsive to emails. If you do not have a list, or you have never actually emailed that list, it will take longer (duh, right?!?) in order to build a list and/or engage and "activate" the old list! But don't sweat it - we will show you EXACTLY how to do that!! Results are not typical and will vary for every person and every business. This is NOT a "get rich quick" scheme. This is NOT a "done-for-you" program. DFY Templates are provided, but YOU are responsible for making them suitable for your business, brand, and audience. You must do the work in order to be successful. Your results will HEAVILY depend on how well you execute on the information and templates provided, as well as how well your business performs in creating customers through your primary selling platforms BEFORE acquiring them as email contacts. All information provided on this website is based on best practices and for educational-purposes only. Your level of success in creating results as described by the Mail.Click.Profit. site or other communications cannot be guaranteed to any specific level. Investing money based on statements made is not advisable and this site and offer are not meant to serve as an offer of investment opportunity. All statements of income and success are unique and singular examples and should not be construed as an average result. In marketing and business, there is NO guaranteed or risk-free strategy, therefore all individuals should conduct individual and detailed research and not rely on practices or examples described by Mail.Click.Profit. or its partners, members, affiliates, or anyone else connected to us. By accessing and using this site, You assume full risk of your actions and understand that no person or entity has guaranteed you success or promised that any of your email marketing or other marketing efforts will be profitable. And on the flip-side.... You miss 100% of the shots you don't take!

**Affiliate Links Earning Disclaimer: You should assume that any links to any external service providers are affiliate links. If you click any of these links, we may earn a small commission. The commission is paid by the provider or retailer, and is done so at no cost to you. Yep, we are marketers, so I'm guessing you're not surprised! We ONLY recommend products and services that we know are of extremely high quality and will provide you with FAR more value than you pay. These are products and services that we would recommend even without receiving any commission! But hey, if they want to pay us for helping you find them, then who are we to say no?!?